Ecommerce + Business Articles

A Free Tool For Visualizing Your Email and SMS ...
Use this tool to plan, structure, and visualize your email and SMS flows to make sure they tie in together seamlessly.
A Free Tool For Visualizing Your Email and SMS ...
Use this tool to plan, structure, and visualize your email and SMS flows to make sure they tie in together seamlessly.

The Top 3 Customer Segments You Need
Segmentation is key when it comes to your email marketing success. Here are three of the top segments that I break customers into.
The Top 3 Customer Segments You Need
Segmentation is key when it comes to your email marketing success. Here are three of the top segments that I break customers into.

How To Reply To A Pissed Off Customer (Late Pac...
What to say when a customer says their package is late or missing.
How To Reply To A Pissed Off Customer (Late Pac...
What to say when a customer says their package is late or missing.

Ecommerce Podcasts Worth Listening To
After listening to hundreds of podcasts and thousands of episodes, here are some of my favorite that I recommend checking out.
Ecommerce Podcasts Worth Listening To
After listening to hundreds of podcasts and thousands of episodes, here are some of my favorite that I recommend checking out.